Martlet Kayak Club is a friendly club based on Brighton Beach between Brighton Marina and the Pier. The Club provides facilities, equipment and training to promote paddle sports. We are a members club run by volunteers. Membership is very cheap and only costs between £4.20 and £10 per person each month. This includes the use of all the club boats and equipment. Additionally there are no charges from our Coaches they all give their time free of charge Many of our coaches are Paddle Sport UK qualified and give their time free of charge. Trial Session & Membership details are handled via
Opening Times
Tuesdays and Thursdays (British Summer time). We meet at 5:30pm for 6pm start (on the water).
Sundays we open all year and meet at 10am.
Additionally the club also goes away on many trips to: Rivers in Wales, North England, Dartmoor and White Water Centres, Surfing in Cornwall and Sea Kayaking locally, in Cornwall and Wales.
Trial Sessions are available for newcomers or beginners.
Club Equipment
All Club Members can use the very wide range of equipment this includes:
Sea Kayaks, (Single and Double)
Canadian Canoes
Surf Kayaks
White Water Kayaks
Play Boats
Touring Kayaks
Sit-on-top Kayaks
Pool Boats
Bouyancy Aids
Spray deck
Wet suits
W/Suit boots
Specialist Equipment
Dry bags
River knives
Throw line
Boat repair kit
Paddle Splits
First Aid kits
Buoyancy aid with a quick release chest harness
River Guides
Training may be required before a member can use / borrow some of this equipment.
Martlet Kayak Club has many Paddle Sport Coaches, Instructors and Trip Leaders who can provide free of charge coaching based on the Long Term Paddler Development (LTPD).
John Costello
Duncan Walker
John Wright
Andy Pumphrey
Paula Pumphrey
Clive Edwards
Kirk Osborne
Chris Childs
Sophie Spencer
Omar Kadri
Gill Emerson
David Brown
Lucy Poynter